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场馆:上海市 珍珠剧场The Pearl
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  • 2020-11-26
    周四 21:00
  • [ 上海市]
    珍珠剧场The Pearl
  • 100
  • 销售结束

British invasion 英伦狂潮摇滚之夜

活动日期:2020年11月26日 星期四

营业时间:下午6点对外开放 营业至凌晨2点。




* 11月26日  :网络预售票价:100 元 包含2杯酒水 













乐迷对音乐总有“先入为主”的心态,这是不容置疑的事。正如谈到Coldplay这队英国伦敦天团,我相信大家的第一个反应,都会很自然地浮现起对他们在2000年首张专辑《Parachutes》里的印象,而不是后来其灵魂人物Chris Martin与Rihanna一起合唱《Princess Of China》时那队Coldplay吧。

听Coldplay的单曲《Adventure of a Lifetime》,这首来得色彩缤纷的Dance-Rock流行曲,显然如今乐队却是要朝后者的方向进发,继续开拓他们的“非典型”Coldplay新风格。

与《Ghost Stories》才相隔一年多,Coldplay的第7张专辑《A Head Full of Dreams》已经面世。这张在美国加州马里布和洛杉矶以及英国伦敦灌录的专辑,再没有人多势众的监制名单,今次只有近年合作无间的Rik Simpson以及挪威制作二人组Stargate为他们操刀,电气化制作、多元化声音, 是可以预料的事。而专辑的情商客串名字也成焦点,除了有大家熟悉的Beyoncé献唱《Hymn For The Weekend》、前Oasis的Noel Gallagher为《Up&Up》弹结他,还有美国老牌Gospel歌手Merry Clayton、瑞典电音流行女唱作歌手Tove Lo参与。

也曾有人说《A Head Full of Dreams》会是Coldplay的“最后一张”专辑。

在这个难得的周末前夕的星期四夜晚,一边享受美食美酒,一边带你回归那个摇滚黄金时代clodplay的《A Head Full of Dreams》现场。



什么是British Invasion?


从上世纪60年代开始,来自英国的音乐势力两次掀翻了环太平洋的音乐界,造就了历史上著名的两度“British Invasion英伦入侵”。




于是1964年2月,在经纪人Brian Epstein的带领下,Beatles前往美国进行第一次巡演。这次巡演不仅带动英国乐队登陆美国的狂潮,也随之彻底改变了流行乐和摇滚乐而后40多年的历史。就在这一年在美国的新闻界诞生了一个词“British Invasion”,字面翻译即“英伦入侵”。小小英伦岛国乐队的蝴蝶翅膀,在美国一度被乡村音乐和三重唱统治的乐坛掀起的巨浪。


随后,从1967年The Who、The Zombie等乐队纷纷踏上美国的热土,再到1977年Sex Pistol所引领的朋克运动与美国的金属狂潮分庭抗礼……全球的音乐潮流在两个大洲间不断的盘踞回转。







碎烟嗓一曲《Someone like you》让人重新爱上爵士蓝调的Adele,或是让姑娘们迷上另类审美,痴迷金色短发黑色眼线的小红莓乐队,你不得不承认,在你的播放列表中,逃不掉这些有腔调的英伦调调如果你听过以下“入侵主力军”的音乐超过半数,欢迎坐上我们这次的深夜感官快艇,冲进British Invasion音乐巨浪中! 




实力王牌驻场乐队Red Stars,席卷珍珠剧场,翻唱1964年以来的英伦月底的经典曲目,从耳朵开始占领你全身每一个角落。


It’s no secret that the British have always had far superior music to the rest of the world; especially when it comes to their rock bands. It was only a matter of time until that music spread to the rest of the world. Thus, becoming a cultural phenomenon.


The first wave of the British Invasion crossed the Atlantic and appeared on the American shores in the mid-1960s. The Americans were besieged by the music of The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin. History repeats itself with the Pearl’s very own Red Stars who will be bringing this music to you live.


As curators of the best music, the Red Stars will delve into British music from other eras that were embraced by the world.  From the 80s, the likes of Queen, Yes, and Def Leppard will be performed. The 90s showcase Oasis and Radiohead. The canon of music will include the most recent hits by Adele. Of course, the timeless Elton John and his hits that span the decades will be present.


Of note, the evening will spotlight the music of Coldplay who has had a meteoric rise and have remained on top since the early 2000s. Before the Red Stars take the stage, the Pearl will show “A Head Full of Dreams”.


“A HEAD FULL OF DREAMS offers an in-depth and intimate portrait of the band's spectacular rise from the backrooms of Camden pubs to selling out stadiums across the planet. At the heart of the story is the band's unshakeable brotherhood which has endured through many highs and lows. The film is directed by Mat Whitecross - director of Supersonic, the acclaimed 2016 Oasis documentary - who met the four friends at college in London, before they'd even formed the band. From the very first rehearsal in a cramped student bedroom, Whitecross has been there to capture the music and the relationships on tape. Using extensive unseen archive, behind-the-scenes and live footage, A HEAD FULL OF DREAMS sees the band reflect upon their two decades together. It was filmed during Coldplay's record-breaking A Head Full of Dreams Tour, which was certified as the third biggest tour of all time, playing to more than 5.5 million fans across the world.” - IMDb


Tickets for Coldplay and the British Invasion are 100rmb including 2 drinks. Doors and Kitchen open from 6pm. Happy hour 6-8pm. Make an evening of it by partaking in some of the culinary delights of Chef Baidas. Then, enjoy the Coldplay concert movie at 7pm. Followed closely by the Red Stars performing a night of Coldplay and the British Invasion starting at 9pm. Tickets can be purchased via WeChat by scanning the QR code or at the door. We hope to see you there!


Coldplay and the British Invasion



Date: Thursday, November 26

Entrance Fee: RMB 100 (includes 2 drinks)

Doors: Open at 6pm

Happy Hour: 6-8pm

Concert Movie: 7pm

Rock Concert: 9pm

Food & Drinks: All night long…   

Reservations can be made at #13764889962




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